
To conduct and support Navy and Marine Corps training and instruction in doctrine, tactics and techniques of Naval expeditionary warfare with a focus on amphibious operations to support operational commanders' ready forces that can project military power from the sea.


The command is located in San Diego, California, on the Naval Amphibious Base Coronado. Besides its beautiful location, another unique strength of EWTGPAC is its joint composition. Air Force Personnel, Civilians, Marines, Sailors, and Soldiers make up the instructors and support personnel for the school, truly making it a joint command. This small but highly capable staff support a wide range of training, exercises, and academic functions for Sailors and Marines throughout the Fleet and operating forces.



  • N00: Command Element
    • The command element includes a Navy Captain as Commanding Officer, a Marine Corps Colonel as Executive Officer, and a Command 1st Sergeant.
  • N1: Administration
    • Provides assistance to students in personnel and administration areas to include initial entry into the system, leave, and pay-related issues regarding student travel to and from the schoolhouse.
  • N2: Intelligence 
  • N3: Operations
  • N4: Logistics
    • Responsible for managing Motor Transportation, Fiscal, Facilities and Safety/Environmental Branches.
  • N6: Wargaming & Information Technology
    • N611: IT Support Division
      • Provides information technology and audio visual support to maintain state-of-the-art instruction for the schoolhouse.
    • N612: Expeditionary Communication 
      • Responsible for the collection and education of amphibious communication tactics, techniques and procedures while training and providing tactical single channel radio support to the EWTGPAC Training Divisions.
    • N62: Wargaming, Modeling & Simulation (M&S)
      • The N62 is staffed with military and civilian personnel who provide realistic synthetic training in the conduct of the schoolhouse's courses and maintain the Joint Expeditionary Warfare Laboratory
  • N7: Director of Training (DOT)
    • Develops, schedules, and evaluates instruction, administers student management and quota control, performs those staff functions concerned with academic management and general military operations and training. All training falls under the Director of Training.
      • N71: Expeditionary Warfare Staff Planning Division
      • N72: International Training Division
      • N73: Expeditionary Fires Division
      • N74: USMC Logistics Division
      • N75: Tactical Air Division
      • N77: Navy Training
        • N771: LCAC Division
        • N772: Strategic Sealift Division
      • N78: Marine Corps Training Division
  • N9: Academics               


3423 Guadalcanal Rd.
San Diego, CA 92155
Quarterdeck Phone: (619) 437-5333

This is an official U.S. Navy web site.





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