Joint Expeditionary Warfare Laboratory

The Joint Expeditionary Warfare Lab (JEWL) is the facility that the N62 Division operates to achieve this support not only for Navy and USMC staffs but also for Coalition and Joint entities in accomplishing training in doctrine, tactics and techniques of Naval Expeditionary Warfare with a focus on amphibious operations.  The JEWL affords the capability to synthetically replicate an array of warfighting cells and places students in a challenging synthetic operational environment.  The JEWL has two gaming networks.  The first is the JEWL wargaming network, which is a node off of Tactical Training Group, Pacific (TTGP) and is typically used for in-house, single-site gaming.  The second network is the Naval Continuous Training Environment (NCTE), which can ride over the larger Joint National Training Capability (JNTC) network.  The NCTE network is the backbone for distributed gaming to multiple training locations.  The following is a list of real-world C4I systems and applications, which the JEWL M&S backbone “stimulates”:

  • GCCS-M: Global Command and Control System Maritime
  • CENTRIXS: Combined Enterprise Information Exchange System
  • AFATDS: Advance Field Artillery Tactical Data System
  • EMT: Effects Management Tool
  • JADOCS: Joint Automated Deep Ops Coordination System
  • NFCS: Naval Fires Control System
  • TBMCS: Theater Battle Management Core System
  • C2PC: Command and Control for the Personal Computer
  • JTT: Joint Targeting Tool

War games typically include pre-deployment training for CG, I MEF / COMTHIRDFLT, COMPACFLT exercises, Fleet Synthetic Training (FST) exercises, and other training that can use gaming to integrate teams for deployment or prepare individuals for their assignments.


EWTGPAC Security/SIPR Requirements


All JEWL events are required to be cleared through EWTGPAC security.  Please ensure all attending personnel/units do the following NLT one week prior to the event


1) VISIT REQUESTS: All visiting personnel, including TTGP & C3F staff, must have an Active Visit Request in DISS for SMO N630186 no later than one week prior to the event start date. 


a.       *NOTE*: Creating SMOs must employ the following naming convention to the ‘Visit Name’ field in DISS (Omit spaces, if necessary):

Course name or meeting name + start date of event in DDMMM format + your organization


Example: FSTJ 18APR 13THMEU 




b.       Member DISS Records must reflect requisite ACCESS and ELIGIBILITY.  Incorrect records will result in denial of access.


2) INTERNATIONAL VISITS:  Submit FVRs for all foreign national attendees using Brian Barrick as the Facility POC and C3F as the Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) to the US Embassy/Department of State NLT 30 days prior to the requested visitation.  Once submitted, provide the reference number to security personnel (see #6).  


3) ITO REQUIREMENT: An ITO is required for all proposed attending PEPs.


Send via an encrypted email to


4) SIPR ACCESS: SIPR Access for JEWL/MAGTF Fires Classroom requires an approved SAAR form. Utilize the SAAR User Guide Linked Below. 

                                                                                        NCTE SIPR SAAR USER GUIDE




Users must bring an active SIPR token for the event.


5) PED REQUESTS: If you are requesting access to EWTGPAC secure spaces and have a personal electronic device (PED) that has been approved by the Navy Special Security Office as part of a Department of Defense study or research, please have your Security Manager include the type of PED in the notes of the DISS visit request.


6) SECURITY POCs: For all security related questions, please contact EWTGPAC N6 Security:


GYSgt Boda, Zachary 
Office: 619-437-1997



Assistant Security Manager: 

SSgt Lebron, Anthony

Office: 619-437-1998



Please call to schedule your visit to the JEWL. You will be required to validate your security clearance with the EWTGPAC Security Manager prior to entry into the JEWL.

 Visit out Reserve a Classroom page to obtain a request form.

Operations Lead

OSC Zuniga, Diana


Commercial: (619) 437-2765



3423 Guadalcanal Rd.
San Diego, CA 92155
Quarterdeck Phone: (619) 437-5333

This is an official U.S. Navy web site.