Sergeant Major Brown enlisted in the Marine Corps on 16 October 1995, and reported to recruit training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, S.C. Following completion of Marine Combat Training he attended his Military Occupational School (MOS) at Camp Johnson, NC for Motor Transport Operations, and graduated as a Private First Class in May 1996.
In May 1996, Sergeant Major Brown reported to 5th Battalion, 11th Marines, Romeo Battery located on Camp Pendleton, CA. While stationed at 5/11, Sergeant Major Brown departed the United States on a Western Pacific Deployment, Amphibious Ready Group, USS Tarawa (WESTPAC 98).
In January 2000, Sergeant Major Brown report for duty to Marine Wing Support Group 27 and was assigned as a Motor Transportation Instructor at Wing Drivers School. He complete Semi-Refueler Course and attained a secondary MOS of 3534. In November 2001, Sergeant Major Brown was promoted to Staff Sergeant meritoriously and attended Career Course, Camp Geiger, NC.
In March 2002, Sergeant Major Brown reported for unaccompanied tour of duty to Marine Wing Support Squadron 171, Iwakuni, Japan where he worked as the Light Section SNCOIC, Vehicle Coordinator, and Training SNCOIC.
In January 2003, Sergeant Major Brown received orders to Drill Instructor School Class 2-03, MCRD San Diego, CA. Upon graduating Drill Instructor School, he was assigned to 2nd RTBn, Fox Company as a Drill Instructor and Experienced Drill Instructor.
In March 2005, Sergeant Major Brown reported for duty to 1st Battalion, 7th Marines as the Motor Transport Operations Chief. While at 1/7, Sergeant Major Brown deployed to Iraq in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. In December 2006, Sergeant Major Brown reported for duty to the Director of Sergeant's Course, Marine Air Ground Task Force Twenty-nine Palms, CA. Sergeant Major Brown completed eight classes where he held multiple billets and Faculty Advisor for 2nd Platoon.
In April 2008, Sergeant Major Brown received orders to Drill Instructor School, Class 3-08, MCRD San Diego, CA. Upon graduating, he was assigned to 2nd RTBn, Golf Company as a Drill Instructor and Senior Drill Instructor. In November 2009, Sergeant Major Brown was transferred to the Instructor Staff, Drill Instructor School.
In July 2011, Sergeant Major Brown received orders to Headquarters Battalion, 2D Marine Division, Camp LeJeune, NC. While with HQBn, he was assigned to Truck Company as the Platoon Commander for Bravo Company and was later was transferred to HQ Company as the Company GySgt. In September 2012, Sergeant Major Brown was selected as an individual augment to deploy in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM in Afghanistan with Marine Special Operations Command (MARSOC).
In July 2013, Sergeant Major Brown was transferred to Combat Logistics Battalion 5, Camp Pendleton, CA where he served as the MT Company GySgt. While there Sergeant Major Brown deployed with the Special Purpose MAGTF to Kuwait and Iraq in support Operation INHERENT RESOLVE.
In May 2015, Sergeant Major Brown reported to 3D Battalion, 5th Marines where he served as the First Sergeant of India Company. During his tenure, the unit deployed to Okinawa and conducted cold weather training in Camp Fuji and South Korea.
In August 2016, Sergeant Major Brown reported to 1st RTBn, Recruit Training Regiment, MCRD San Diego where he served as First Sergeant, Delta Company. In March 2017, Sergeant Major Brown was transferred to DI School as the First Sergeant. While assigned to DI School, he attained his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Social and Criminal Justice.
In November 2019, Sergeant Major Brown reported for duty with Marine Wing Communications Squadron 18, Okinawa, where he served as the Senior Enlisted Leader.
In August 2022, Sergeant Major Brown reported for duty with I Marine Expeditionary Force Support Battalion on Camp Pendleton, where he served as the Senior Enlisted Leader.
In March 2024, Sergeant Major Brown reported for duty with Expeditionary Warfare Training Group, Pacific where he currently serves as the Senior Enlisted Leader.
3423 Guadalcanal Rd.
San Diego, CA 92155
Quarterdeck Phone: (619) 437-5333
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