Naval Amphibious Base Coronado is located across the San Diego Bay from San Diego proper on a section of State Highway 75, known as the Silver Strand. It is approximately one mile south of downtown Coronado, California.
Permanent personnel should report to the Quarterdeck, located immediately inside the main entrance to Building 15. A sponsor will be assigned to permanent personnel prior to arrival and will provide more information.
Students should report to their designated classrooms, or to the Quarterdeck, located immediately inside the main entrance to Building 15. For more information, students should contact the course coordinator, located in the course catalog, for more information.
Permanent personnel who require access to government information systems will need to submit a SAAR form to the N6 Department located in building 401, 3rd floor.
Billeting. Adequate government quarters, as defined in the current OPNAVINST 11103.1 (Series), are normally not available for enlisted students in pay grades above E-5. These students will be offered the option of voluntarily accepting inadequate government quarters or residing off base. Off-base students receive full per diem during the temporary duty period. Order writing activities should provide for off-base accommodations, and/or transportation if students are residing at other base quarters. Please see the course catalog for more details.
Navy Gateway Inns and Suites on Naval Amphibious Base (NAB) Coronado. Phone: (619)-437-3860 Gateway Inns and Suites Website
Messing. Government messing facilities (Naval Base Coronado Galley) are generally available for officers and enlisted personnel. However, for personnel residing off base, government messing, except for the noon meal and some evening meals, is considered impractical and orders will be endorsed accordingly.
Administrative Instructions
Preparation of orders by using commands: All students need their original orders in their possession when reporting aboard. The orders must cite the authority granting the quota and list the title and number of the course. Enlisted orders will contain the statement that the student meets all health, fitness, aptitude, and other prerequisites for the course. Students on PCS orders who will attend school while en route overseas should obtain all port of call information and Antiterrorism/Security Briefs prior to detachment from their parent command.
Security Clearance: Courses requiring security clearances are identified in Appendix B. Students assigned to these courses must have orders that confirm the level, source and date of the appropriate clearance. Additionally, all personnel attending courses with classified content must be entered into a JPAS visit request. All of the attendees from one specific unit should be on the same request. You will need the EWTGPAC SMO code which is N630186. Also, please indicate the course name in the POC block of the JPAS visit request form. Once the request has been submitted, please call (619)522-2806 with any questions you may have regarding your security clearance submission
Reporting Data: All students are to report to the Commanding Officer, Expeditionary Warfare Training Group, Pacific, Naval Base Coronado, San Diego, California 92155-5099, Building 15. PCS personnel should report NLT 1600 on the day preceding the scheduled class convening date in order to facilitate billeting, messing and administrative processing. TAD students should report NLT 0700 on the day of the scheduled class convening date. An advance copy of student orders should be mailed or electronically forwarded via e-mail, fax or message, to reach EWTGPAC at least one week prior to the course reporting date.
Navy Students. Navy students executing PCS orders or Reserve students are to report to Student Management, Building 15. Navy students on a PCS transfer and Navy Reserve students should bring their service, pay, medical, and dental records.
Marine Corps Active Duty Students. All Marine Corps active duty students reporting for pipeline training, or training in excess of 30 days, are to report to the Marine Corps Personnel Support Detachment Division, Building 15, with their service, health, and dental records.
Marine Corps Reserve Students. All Marine Corps reserve students are to report to the Reserve Support NCO, Admin Shop, Building 15, first deck, with their service, health, and dental records.
Identification of Marine Reservists Attending Resident Courses. Reserve course attendance rosters, reflecting projected attendance at EWTGPAC resident courses, should be consolidated by MARFORRES, as appropriate, and submitted to the Reserve Support NCO, EWTGPAC, at least forty-five days, but not less than thirty days, prior to the convening date of a specific resident course. The timely submission of such rosters facilitates the mailing of advanced materials essential to administrative and logistical planning. Attendance rosters should contain, as a minimum, the student’s name (last, first, middle initial), grade, social security number, MOS, and Reporting Unit Code (RUC) of parent reserve unit.
Student's Mailing Address While at EWTGPAC
Name, Rank, SSN (last 4)
Title of Course
Expeditionary Warfare Training Group, Pacific
3423 Guadalcanal Road
San Diego, CA 92155-5099
3423 Guadalcanal Rd.
San Diego, CA 92155
Quarterdeck Phone: (619) 437-5333
This is an official U.S. Navy web site.